Coordinating WG members (and others): Please make comments on this timeline as we revise.
Here is the timeline from last year, slightly modified to include new proposals for earlier site scouting, as well as current organizational timelines discussed last coordination call.
Free Activist Witchcamp -Timeline
Working Group Mentors Contacted, 'job descriptions' worked out end of August
Site Selection team together asap
WGs chosen + working by Equinox
Organizers meeting around Samhain
Date Discussion & Decision: ASAP
Reorganize/Apply for 501c3: Ongoing
Accounting: Ongoing
Get Business License: Now
Get Bank Account: After Business License
Set up PayPal Link: By Outreach #1
Checks: Triggered by Actions
Seeds of Peace
Food & Water:
Get Water sorted out (filter system needs overhaul)
Talk to Seeds:
About Date Decision
During Location Decision
After Location Decision
Ongoing registration updates
Check to Seeds: c - 1m
Build/Maintain Website: Ongoing
Outreach Letters: Triggered by Decisions
1: Exist / Teaching Team
2: Theme / Paths
3: Location
Update Website with each letter
Teaching team:
Team Discussion: October
Team Invites: Nov. 1st
Q & A from prospective teacher: November
Final Team Decide: Nov. 30
Outreach letter #1 (We Exist / Teaching Team)
Theme ideas: Ongoing
Theme discussion with teachers: Once team is picked
Final Theme Decision: March 1st?
Outreach Letter #2
Scouting: Ongoing, Starting asap in august, before first snowfall
Site Proposals:
Final Site Decision:
Outreach Letter #3 (site info)
Camper Letter #1 (site info)
Apply for permit: c-3m
Check For Permit
Apply for Insurance c-3w
Check for Insurance
Actual Camp:
Gather Supplies: Ongoing
Onsite Organizers Arrive: c-4
Teacher Arrive: c-3
Campers Arrive: c-1
Camp Starts: c (Sunday)
Camp Ends: c+6
Teacher Debrief: c+6
Camp Clean Up: c+6, c+7
Take Names and Answer Questions: Ongoing
Set Up Camper Mailing List: On Outreach #1
Carpools: c-1m
Camper Letters:
Outreach Letters #2 & #3
Guidelines / What to Bring: c-1m
Final Letter: c-14