Registration Welcoming WG

Some things the Registration/Welcoming Group does:

  • Update Gatekeeping process - including registration form, agreements, liability waiver, and intention-setting questions
  • Manage Registration - open registration, maintain registration database including current year's elist and contact info, answer questions and follow up as needed, create ridesharing process
  • Work with COMMS anyone else who wants to be involved on the letters that go out to all campers- this includes letters regarding directions, what we need brought to camp, what to expect at camp, and any other mass communication that all campers receive.
  • Coordinate Info with other workgroups - including medic training and info to wellness, food allergies/preferences/donations to Hearth, monetary contributions to Finance, the registered camper follow-up letter with Communication, etc.

At Camp:

  • Set up a welcoming station or designate & co-ordinate "Welcome Witches" AT camp to help campers get settled & comfortable with issues like where to pitch a tent, where to park, where it's ok to shit, and anything else a camper may need a little help or guidance with.
  • Assist campers with putting down roots at camp ~ this can mean grounding, smudging, or anything else that feels right.
  • Confirm registration, agreements and receive waiver. Coordinate with Logistics as needed.

+Forms — to be evolved

2009 registration form
2010 camper registration letter
Reg Welcome 2011

Reg Welcome 2009

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